Kelly Blaser hosts teachers from around the world who've dedicated their lives to shifting consciousness and the wellbeing of others.

Get unlimited access to over 80 conversations about relationship, practice, the dharma, meditation, and more.

This package includes interviews, trainings, guided meditations, practice tips, and lots of love from some of the foremost teachers of our time.

Hear from luminaries like Dr. Dan Siegel, Sally Kempton, Douglas Brooks, Sarah & Ty Powers, Cheri Huber, Dr. Rick Hanson, Lama Tsultrim Allione, Silvia Nakkach, Josh Korda, Deva Premal & Miten, Tias Little, Desiree Rumbaugh, Jai Uttal, Sianna Sherman, Jack Canfield, Seane Corn, Judith Hanson Lasater, Terry Real, Sarah Finger, and many more!

Purchased individually, the courses in the Quantum Shift Package are valued at $388. Get them all for only $197!

Turn on your heart, tune up your mind, ignite your spiritual path.

Kelly Blaser, LMFT, Dharma Teacher